Title: Map of Kansas.
Content Date: 1890
Copyright Date: 1889
Corporate Author: Mast, Crowell & Kirkpatrick
Publisher: Mast, Crowell & Kirkpatrick
Size: 25 x 32 cm
Description: Includes topographic features. Indicates Native American inhabitation. Removed from unknown source with page number 40. Verso: Map of Minnesota with page number 39. Archaic county names and boundaries. Shows Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Railroad; Chicago, Kansas & Nebraska Railroad; Southern Kansas Railroad; St. Louis, Ft. Scott & Wichita Railroad; St. Louis & San Francisco Railroad; Kansas City, Ft. Scott & Gulf Railroad; Missouri Pacific Railroad; St. Joseph & Grand Island Railroad; Union Pacific Railroad; and other unnamed lines.    
Call Number: 1890-0001 |
Title: Nebraska-Kansas
Content Date: 1890
Publisher: Charles Scribner's Sons
Size: 19 x 27 cm
Description: Includes topographic features. Indicates locations of forts. Indicates Native American inhabitation. Includes map of Nebraska on same sheet. Inset map of Kansas, Nebraska and surrounding states. Removed from The Scribner Black Atlas of the World with page number 44A. Archaic county names and boundaries in Kansas. Shows unnamed railroad lines.  
Call Number: 1890-0003 |
Title: [Rand, McNally & Co.'s Kansas]
Content Date: 1890
Copyright Date: 1888
Corporate Author: Rand, McNally & Co.
Publisher: Rand, McNally & Co.
Size: 48 x 66 cm
Description: Includes topographic features. Indicates locations of forts. Indicates Native American inhabitation. Removed from unknown source with page numbers 260 and 261. Verso: Rand, McNally & Co.'s Kansas (text) with page numbers 262 and 259. Archaic county names and boundaries. Shows Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Railroad; Dodge City, Montezuma & Trinidad Railroad; Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific Railroad; Wichita & Western Railroad; Missouri Pacific Railroad; St. Louis & San Francisco Railroad; Kansas City, Ft. Scott & Memphis Railroad; Missouri, Kansas & Texas Railroad; Union Pacific Railroad; Burlington & Missouri River Railroad; Kansas City, Wyandotte & Northwestern Railroad; and other unnamed lines.   
Call Number: 1890-0004 |
Title: Map Showing the Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Railroad; and its Auxiliary Roads in the State of Kansas. June 30th 1891.
Content Date: 1891
Copyright Date: 1890
Corporate Author: G. W. & C. B. Colton & Co.
Publisher: G. W. & C. B. Colton & Co.
Size: 48 x 66 cm
Description: Includes topographic features. Indicates locations of forts. Indicates Native American inhabitation. Archaic county names and boundaries. Shows Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Railroad system including Denver, Memphis & Atlantic Railroad; Chicago, Kansas & Western Railroad; Kansas City Lawrence & Southern Kansas Railroad; Kansas City, Burlington & Santa Fe Railroad; and Kansas City & Santa Fe Railroad. Shows St. Louis & San Francisco Railroad lines including Kansas Midland Railroad. Shows other lines including Manhattan, Alma & Burlingame Railroad; Hutchinson & Southern Railroad; Missouri Pacific Railroad; St. Louis, Ft. Scott & Wichita Railroad; Kansas City, Ft. Scott & Gulf Railroad; Union Pacific Railroad; Chicago, Kansas & Nebraska Railroad; Kansas Central Railroad; St. Joseph & Denver City Railroad; and other unnamed lines.    
Call Number: 1891-0001 |
Title: Kansas
Content Date: 1891
Author: Cram, Geo. F. (?)
Publisher: Geo. F. Cram (?)
Size: 40 x 57 cm
Description: Includes topographic features. Indicates locations of forts. Indicates Native American inhabitation. Removed from unknown source with page numbers 134 and 135. Verso: Index of Nebraska with page number 136 and Index of Kansas with page number 133. Archaic county names and boundaries. Shows Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Railroad; Burlington & Missouri River Railroad; Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific Railroad; Dodge City, Montezuma & Trinidad Railroad; Hutchinson & Southern Railroad; Kansas City, Ft. Scott & Memphis Railroad; Kansas City, Wyandotte & Northwestern Railroad; Marion Belt & Chingawasa (sic) Railroad; Missouri, Kansas & Texas Railroad; Missouri Pacific Railroad; St. Louis & San Francisco Railroad; Union Pacific Railroad; and Wichita & Western Railroad. Indicates basin in southern Kearny County.  
Call Number: 1891-0002 |
Title: Map of Kansas
Content Date: 1891
Copyright Date: 1891
Corporate Author: Matthews-Northrup Co.
Size: 30 x 51 cm
Description: Includes topographic features. Indicates locations of forts. Indicates Native American inhabitation. Possibly removed from Appleton's Handy Atlas of the World with page number 65. Archaic county names and boundaries. Shows Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Railroad; Dodge City, Montezuma & Trinidad Railroad; Kingman, Pratt & Western Railroad; Wichita & Western Railroad; Ft. Scott, Wichita & Western Railroad; St. Louis & San Francisco Railroad; Kansas City, Ft. Scott & Memphis Railroad; Denver, Memphis & Atlantic Railroad; Union Pacific Railroad; St. Joseph & Grand Island Railroad; Missouri Pacific Railroad; and other unnamed lines.    
Call Number: 1891-0003 |
Title: Map Showing the Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Railroad; and its Auxiliary Lines in the State of Kansas. June 30th 1892.
Content Date: 1892
Copyright Date: 1890
Corporate Author: G. W. & C. B. Colton & Co.
Publisher: G. W. & C. B. Colton & Co.
Size: 41 x 59 cm
Description: Includes topographic features. Indicates locations of forts. Indicates Native American inhabitation. Archaic county names and boundaries. Shows Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Railroad system including Wichita & Western Railroad; Chicago, Kansas & Western Railroad; Kansas City, Lawrence & Southern Kansas Railroad; Kansas City, Burlington & Santa Fe Railroad; Southern Kansas Railroad. Shows St. Louis & San Francisco Railroad lines including Kansas Midland Railroad; St. Louis & San Francisco Railroad; and Missouri & Western Railroad. Shows other lines including Kansas Branch of Union Pacific Railroad; St. Joseph & Denver City Railroad; Manhattan, Alma & Burlington Railroad; Kansas City, Ft. Scott & Gulf Railroad; Hutchinson & Southern Railroad; Missouri Pacific Railroad; and other unnamed lines.   
Call Number: 1892-0001 |
Title: Kansas.
Content Date: 1892
Author: Cram, Geo F.
Publisher: Geo. F. Cram
Size: 23 x 31 cm
Description: Includes topographic features. Indicates Native American inhabitation. Removed from unknown source with page number 74. Verso: Missouri (with inset of St. Louis) with page number 73. Archaic county names and boundaries. Shows Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Railroad; Dodge City, Montezuma & Trinidad Railroad; Wichita & Western Railroad; Kansas City, Ft. Scott & Gulf Railroad; St. Louis & San Francisco Railroad; Missouri, Kansas & Texas Railroad; and other unnamed lines.    
Call Number: 1892-0002 |
Title: Map of Sumner County, Kansas
Content Date: 1892
Corporate Author: Hudson-Kimberly Pub. Co.
Publisher: Hudson-Kimberly Pub. Co.
Size: 46 x 49 cm
Description: Map indicates large cities and school districts. Includes topographic features. Verso includes text about county attributes and towns and advertisement for Geo. R. Fultz. Also, illustrations of Wellington Street Scene 1880, Street Scene 1891 and Court House. Shows Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Railroad; St. Louis, Ft. Scott & Wichita Railroad; Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific Railroad; Southern Kansas Railroad; St. Louis, Kansas & Southwestern Railroad; and Denver Memphis & Atlantic Railroad. At lower right margin: Presented with the compliments of Geo. R. Fultz, Land Broker and Financial Agent, Wellington, Kansas.     
Call Number: 1892-0003 |
Title: Map of Kansas
Content Date: 1892
Corporate Author: Mast, Crowell & Kirkpatrick
Publisher: Mast, Crowell & Kirkpatrick
Size: 25 x 32 cm
Description: Includes topographic features. Indicates Native American inhabitation. Removed from unknown source with page number 39. Verso: Map of Nebraska with page number 40. Archaic county names and boundaries. Shows Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Railroad; Southern Kansas Railroad; St. Louis, Ft. Scott & Wichita Railroad; St. Louis & San Francisco Railroad; Kansas City, Ft. Scott & Gulf Railroad; Union Pacific Railroad; Missouri Pacific Railroad; Kansas Nebraska & Dakota Railroad; and other unnamed lines.    
Call Number: 1892-0004 |