Title: Johnson's North America
Content Date: 1863
Corporate Author: Johnson and Ward
Size: 53 x 44 cm
Description:Includes topographic features.Describes eastern Colorado, northwestern Texas, northwestern Indian Territory and southwestern Kansas as the Great American Desert.Indicates locations of forts.Shows unnamed routes, including Santa Fe Trail.Shows Pony Express Route.Indicates Native American inhabitation.Removed from unknown source with page numbers 15 and 16.Verso: Geographical Index, or Ready Reference listing United States cities, towns, villages and post offices.Shows route of Proposed Pacific Railroad.
Call Number: 1863-0003 |
Title: Kansas, Colorado New Mexico and Indian Territory.
Content Date: 1863
Author: Mitchell, S. Augustus (?)
Size: 20 x 27 cm
Description:Includes topographic features.Indicates locations of forts.Identifies Santa Fe Trail as Santa Fe Route.Indicates Native American inhabitation.Removed from unknown source.Verso: Map of Minnesota and Dakota, Map of Nebraska.Archaic county names and boundaries in Kansas.Shows Pacific Railroad and other unnamed railroads and Overland & Telegraph Route.At head of title: No. 16.
Call Number: 1863-0004a |
Title: Map of Kansas, Nebraska and Colorado. Showing also the Eastern portion of Idaho.
Content Date: 1864
Author: Gamble, W. H.
Publisher: S. Augustus Mitchell
Size: 29 x 36 cm
Description:Includes topographic features.Indicates locations of forts.Identifies Santa Fe Trail as Santa Fe Road.Shows Pony Express Route.Indicates Native American inhabitation.Removed from unknown source with page number 43.Archaic county names and boundaries in Kansas.Shows railroad lines.
Call Number: 1864-0001 |
Title: Map of Kansas, Nebraska and Colorado. Showing also the Southern portion of Dacotah.
Content Date: 1864
Copyright Date: 1861
Author: Gamble, W. H.
Publisher: S. Augustus Mitchell
Size: 29 x 35 cm
Description:Includes topographic features.Indicates locations of forts.Identifies Santa Fe Trail as Santa Fe Route.Shows Pony Express Route.Indicates Native American inhabitation.Removed from Mitchell's New General Atlas with page number 43.Archaic county names and boundaries in Kansas.Shows railroad lines.Archaic spelling of Dakota.
Call Number: 1864-0002 |
Title: Johnson's Nebraska, Dakota, Colorado Idaho & Kansas.
Content Date: 1864
Corporate Author: Johnson & Ward
Size: 32 x 40 cm
Description:Indicates locations of forts.Indicates Native American inhabitation.Removed from unknown source with page number 63.Verso: Historical and Statistical View of the United States, 1860.Identifies Route Explored for Pacific Railroad by Capt. Gunnison.Identifies Route Explored for Pacific Railroad by Lieut. Beskwith.Shows named and unnamed railroad lines.
Call Number: 1864-0003 |
Title: Map of the Territories and Pacific States to Accompany "Across the Continent" By Samuel Bowles.
Content Date: 1865
Copyright Date: 1865
Author: Goldthwait, J. H.
Corporate Author: G. W. and C. B. Colton
Size: 46 x 35 cm
Description:Includes topographic features.Indicates locations of forts.Shows Butterfield's Express & Stage Route, Overland Stage Route and Main Emigrant RouteIncludes inset map: Plan of Central California on an Enlarged Scale.Removed from Bowles' Across the Continent: A Summer's Journey to the Rocky Mountains, The Mormons, and the Pacific States, with Speaker Colfax.Shows railroad lines.
Call Number: 1865-0001 |
Title: Map of Kansas, Nebraska and Colorado. Showing also the Southern portion of Dacotah.
Content Date: 1865
Copyright Date: 1861
Author: Gamble, W. H.
Publisher: S. Augustus Mitchell
Size: 29 x 35 cm
Description:Indicates locations of forts.Indicates Native American inhabitation.Removed from Mitchell's New General Atlas with page number 43.Archaic county names and boundaries in Kansas.Shows railroad lines.Archaic spelling of Dakota.
Call Number: 1865-0002 |
Title: Gunn & Mitchell's new Map of Kansas and the Gold Mines Embracing all the Public Surveys up to 1865.
Content Date: 1865
Author: Gunn, O. B.
Other Author(s): Mitchell, D. T.
Publisher: Gunn & Mitchell
Size: 67 x 69 cm
Description:Includes topographic features.Indicates locations of forts and missions.Shows named and unnamed roads, including Route from Missouri River to Gold Regions via Santa Fe Road, Fort Leavenworth and Santa Fe Road via Fort Riley, and Missouri River and Gold Regions route.Indicates Native American inhabitation.Includes two illustrations of Native Americans.Includes inset map: Routes from the Missouri River to the Kansas Gold Mines.Includes table with county populations.Archaic county names and boundaries in Kansas.Shows proposed lines for Parkville & Grand River Railroad, and Leavenworth & Platte City Railroad.Shows Hannibal & St. Joseph Railroad; Atchison & St. Joseph Railroad; and Leavenworth, Pawnee & Western Railroad.
Call Number: 1865-0003 |
Title: Johnson's Missouri and Kansas
Content Date: 1865
Copyright Date: 1865
Publisher: A. J. Johnson
Size: 43 x 59 cm
Description:Indicates locations of forts.Shows location of mission.Shows Pony Express and U. S. Mail Route.Indicates Native American inhabitation.Removed from unknown source with page numbers 58 and 59.Verso: Historical and Statistical View of the United States, 1860.Archaic county names and boundaries.Shows Union Pacific Railroad and other unnamed lines.
Call Number: 1865-0004 |
Title: Johnson's Missouri and Kansas
Content Date: 1865
Copyright Date: 1865
Publisher: Johnson & Ward
Size: 43 x 58 cm
Description:Indicates locations of forts.Shows location of missions.Shows Pony Express and U. S. Mail Route.Indicates Native American inhabitation.Removed from unknown source with page numbers 58 and 59.Verso: Historical and Statistical View of the United States, 1860.Archaic county names and boundaries in Kansas.Shows Union Pacific Railroad and other unnamed railroad lines.
Call Number: 1865-0005 |