Title: Kansas, Colorado, New Mexico & Indian Territory.
Content Date: 1865
Publisher: S. Augustus Mitchell (?)
Size: 20 x 27 cm
Description:Includes topographic features.Indicates locations of forts.Identifies Santa Fe Trail as Santa Fe Route.Shows Pony Express Route.Indicates Native American inhabitation.Removed from unknown source with page number 18.Archaic county names and boundaries in Kansas.Shows route of Pacific Railroad.At head of title: XVIII.
Call Number: 1865-0006a |
Title: Map of Kansas and Nebraska.
Content Date: 1865
Corporate Author: Bowen & Co., Lith.
Size: 57 x 71 cm
Description:Indicates locations of Land Offices, Surveyor General's Office, missions and forts.Indicates Native American inhabitation.Shows Union Pacific Railroad; Burlington & Missouri River Railroad; Branch of the Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Railroad; Branch, Leavenworth & Lawrence Railroad; and Branch, Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Railroad.Shows limits of land grants for railroads.Upper left margin: 39th Congr. 1st Session Annual Report of the Comm's Gen. Land Office.
Call Number: 1865-0008 |
Title: Blanchard's map of Missouri and Kansas Showing the Counties, Towns and Rail Roads
Content Date: 1866
Author: Blanchard, Rufus (? )
Other Author(s): Shober, Chas.
Publisher: J. F. Torrey & Co.
Size: 46 x 59 cm
Description:Includes topographic features.Indicates locations of forts and missions.Indicates Native American inhabitation.Archaic county names and boundaries in Kansas.Shows named and proposed railroads, and state capital.
Call Number: 1866-0001 |
Title: Colton's Map of Kansas, Nebraska, Dakota & Indian Territory.
Content Date: 1866
Publisher: G. W. and C. B. Colton & Co.
Size: 67 x 42 cm
Description:Includes topographic features.Indicates locations of forts.Shows route of Captain J. C. Fremont, Major W. H. Emory, Lieut. I. G. Woodruff and Lieut. W. G. Peck.Indicates Native American inhabitation.Removed from unknown source with page numbers 65 and 66.Verso: The State of Iowa. State of Kansas, and Nebraska, and Indian Territories.Archaic county names and boundaries in Kansas.Shows railroad lines, including Southern Route to Denver City.
Call Number: 1866-0002 |
Title: Map of Kansas, Nebraska and Colorado. Showing also the Southern portion of Dacotah.
Content Date: 1866
Copyright Date: 1866
Author: Gamble, W. H.
Publisher: S. Augustus Mitchell
Size: 29 x 35 cm
Description:Indicates locations of forts.Shows Overland Mail Route.Shows unnamed roads, including Santa Fe Trail and Oregon Trail.Indicates Native American inhabitation.Removed from Mitchell's New General Atlas with page number 48.Archaic county names and boundaries in Kansas.Shows railroad lines.Archaic spelling of Dakota.
Call Number: 1866-0003 |
Title: Johnson's Nebraska, Dakota, Montana and Kansas
Content Date: 1866
Corporate Author: Johnson and Ward
Size: 32 x 40 cm
Description:Indicates locations of forts.Indicates Native American inhabitation.Removed from unknown source with page number 63.Verso: Historical and Statistical View of the United States, 1860.Identifies Route Explored for Pacific Railroad by Capt. Gunnison.Identifies Route Explored for Pacific Railroad by Lieut. Beskwith.Shows named and unnamed railroads.
Call Number: 1866-0004 |
Title: Johnson's Missouri and Kansas
Content Date: 1867
Publisher: A. J. Johnson
Size: 43 x 59 cm
Description:Indicates locations of forts.Shows location of missions.Shows Pony Express and U. S. Mail Routes.Indicates Native American inhabitation.Removed from unknown source with page numbers 63 and 64.Verso: Geography of North America and Appendix to the Geographical Index.Archaic county names and boundaries in Kansas.Shows Union Pacific Railroad and Central Branch of Union Pacific Railroad.
Call Number: 1867-0001 |
Title: Map of Kansas
Content Date: 1868
Author: Blanchard, Rufus
Publisher: Rufus Blanchard
Size: 43 x 55 cm
Description:Includes topographic features.Indicates locations of forts.Shows location of mission.Archaic county names and boundaries.Shows Pacific Railroad Eastern Division; Central Branch Union Pacific Railroad; and unnamed and proposed lines.
Call Number: 1868-0001 |
Title: Colton's New Sectional Map of the State of Kansas. Compiled From the United States Surveys & other Authentic Sources
Content Date: 1868
Copyright Date: 1867
Publisher: G. W. & C. B. Colton & Co.
Size: 67 x 116 cm
Description:Indicates locations of forts.Indicates locations of missions.Archaic county names and boundaries.Shows Union Pacific Railroad Eastern Division; Central Branch of the Union Pacific Railroad; and other unnamed railroad lines.
Call Number: 1868-0002 |
Title: Colton's Township Map of Kansas
Content Date: 1868
Copyright Date: 1866
Corporate Author: G. W. & C. B. Colton & Co.
Publisher: G. W. & C. B. Colton & Co.
Size: 43 x 59 cm
Description:Indicates locations of forts.Indicates Native American inhabitation.Archaic county names and boundaries.Shows Union Pacific Railroad Eastern Division; Central Branch Union Pacific Railroad Leavenworth Branch; and other railroad lines.
Call Number: 1868-0003 |