Manuscript Subject Index
A | B | C | D
| E | F | G
| H | I | J | K
| L | M | N
| O | P | Q
| R | S | T
| U | V | W
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India -- British occupation, 1765-1947
- MS 90-8 - R. E.
D. Rawlins Collection of British and Indian Autographs
Indian Place Names -- Dr. John Rydjord
- MS 77-2 - Indian
Place Names -- Published Book Manuscript
Indian Territory, Oklahoma
- MS 94-4 - Annette
Ross Hume Photograph Collection
- MS 95-11 - A.
A. Hyde Collection
Indian Wars, 1866-1895
Indiana -- Officials and employees
- MS 92-12 - Congressional
Papers of Indiana Congressman Andrew Jacobs, Jr.
Indians of North America
- MS 77-02 - Indian Place Names --
Published Book Manuscript
- MS 85-01 - American Studies Department
Student Papers
- MS 2010-02 - Janet Owen Laws Collection
- MS 2016-03 - 19th Century Lithographs of Native Americans
- MS 2016-08 - Native Americans Images
Indians of North America -- Cherokee Indians
- MS 2016-03 - 19th Century Lithographs of Native Americans
Indians of North America -- Chippewa
- MS 92-19 - Charles "Steve"
William Merton Hart Collection
- MS 2016-03 - 19th Century Lithographs of Native Americans
Indians of North America -- Fox
- MS 94-07 - Great
Nemaha Agency Collection, 1866-1873
Indians of North America -- Iowa
- MS 94-07 - Great
Nemaha Agency Collection, 1866-1873
Indians of North America -- Kansa
- MS 74-07 - Kansa
Indians - Published Book Manuscript
Indians of North America -- Kansas
- MS 91-03 - Ignace
Mead Jones Collection of James R. Mead Papers
Indians of North America -- Kaw Indians
Indians of North America -- Kiowa
- MS 94-04 - Annette
Ross Hume Photograph Collection
Indians of North America -- Menominie
- MS 2016-03 - 19th Century Lithographs of Native Americans
Indians of North America -- Music
Indians of North America -- Nemaha Agency
- MS 94-07 - Great
Nemaha Agency Collection, 1866-1873
Indians of North America -- Ojibwa
- MS 92-19 - Charles
Steve William Merton Hart Papers
Indians of North America -- Ponca Indians
Indians of North America -- Portraits
- MS 2016-03 - 19th Century Lithographs of Native Americans
Indians of North America -- Pottawatomie Indians
Indians of North America -- Sac (Sauk)
- MS 94-07 - Great
Nemaha Agency Collection, 1866-1873
- MS 2016-03 - 19th Century Lithographs of Native Americans
Indians of North America -- Seneca
Industrial Workers of the World
Ingraham, David N.
- MS 87-6 - Letter
Book of the U.S.S. Corvette St. Louis, 1852-1855
Innes, Walter P., Jr.
- MS 96-1 - The Walter
P. Innes, Jr. Collection
Interstate commerce
- MS 73-4 - Congressional
Papers of Iowa Congressman Bert A. Bandstra
Inventors -- United States
- MS 81-3 - Herbert
Jones Collection
- MS 87-15 - Thomas
A. Edison Early Corporation Documents
Iola (Kan.)
Iowa -- Officials and employees
- MS 73-4 - Congressional
Papers of Iowa Congressman Bert A. Bandstra
Iowa Indians
- MS 94-7 - Great
Nemaha Agency Collection, 1866-1873
Iranian Student Associations
- MS 98-16 - Papers
on Iranian Student Associations in the United States During the 1970s
Isely, Adolf
Isely, Bliss
- MS 74-5 - Manuscript
of a History of the University of Wichita
- MS 89-4 - M. Alice
Isely Papers
- MS 91-2 - Kenneth
Isely Collection of Bliss and Flora Isely Papers
Isely, Charles C.
Isely, Christian
Isely, Elizabeth Dubach
Isely Family Papers
Isely, Flora (Kunigunde Duncan)
- MS 74-5 - Manuscript
of a History of the University of Wichita
- MS 89-4 - M. Alice
Isely Papers
- MS 91-2 - Kenneth
Isely Collection of Bliss and Flora Isely Papers
Isely, Kenneth
- MS 91-2 - Kenneth
Isely Collection of Bliss and Flora Isely Papers
Isely, M. Alice
Isherwood, Christopher
- MS 92-4 - Christopher
Isherwood Papers
Islamic literature
Isthmian and Nicaragua Canal Commission papers
- MS 74-2 - Nicaraguan
and Isthmian Canal Commissions Collection
Institute of Logopedics
- MS 92-21 - Martin
Franklin Palmer Papers
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