Manuscript Subject Index
A | B | C | D
| E | F | G
| H | I | J
| K | L | M | N
| O | P | Q
| R | S | T
| U | V | W
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Macniff, Charles
- MS 87-7 - Charles
K. MacNiff Papers
Mahfouz, Issam -- The Dictator
- MS 74-36 - The
Dictator -- Unpublished Manuscript
Major, Clif
- MS 2014-04 - Clif Major and Kathy Roush Collection
Malone, Henry
Management Jets Worldwide
Manby, George William
- MS 94-1 - George
William Manby Papers
Manhattan Project
Mann, Thomas
Manned space flight
- MS 74-19 - Seven
Miles of Wire -- And a Swizzle Stick
- MS 74-23 - A Past
to Draw On
- MS 87-8 - Dr. James
E. Tomayko Collection of NASA Documents
Manning, Reg
- MS 90-21 - Reg
Manning Cartoon Collection
Marcus, Sam and Millie
- MS 88-6 - Sam and
Millie Marcus Papers
Maritime law, United States
- MS 82-4 - Papers
Relating to British Seizure of American Ships
Markham, Edwin
Marriage, Jewish law
Marvin, Langdon P., Jr.
- MS 95-26 - Langdon
P. Marvin, Jr. Collection of Senator John F. Kennedy's Aviation Legislation
Martin, John
- MS 88-8 - Kansas
Territory Papers Collection
- MS 92-2 - Robert
L. Tonsing Collection of 19th Century Music
Mason, Joseph H.
Matthews, Ami S.
Maynard, D. G.
McCammon, William W.
McCarron, George C.
McClure, Russell E.
- MS 78-9 - Russell
E. McClure Papers
McCormick, Daniel
McCormick-Armstrong Company
McHenry, Myra
McKenney, Thomas L.
- MS 2016-03 - 19th Century Lithographs of Native Americans
McKnight, J. Hudson
McMillen, William L.
Mead, James R.
- MS 91-3 - Ignace Mead Jones Collection
of James R. Mead Papers
- Special Exhibit
- James R. Mead: Trader and Townbuilder
Meadowcroft, William Henry
- MS 87-15 - Thomas
A. Edison Early Corporation Documents
Medici, House of
Medicine Lodge, Kansas
Medina, Ernest -- My Lai Incident
- MS 74-27 - My Lai Incident --
March 16, 1968 -- Trial of Captain Ernest Medina
Mentholatum Company
Merton, Thomas
Methodist Missionary Society
Metropolitan government -- Kansas
Mexican American families
- MS 2006-04 - El Huarache Project
- MS 2020-05 - Newton Mexican Community Oral Histories
- MS 2020-06 - The Mexican-American Community in Wichita, Kansas Thesis by Kenton H. Allen
- MS 2021-07 - Patricia Udoh Collection of Wichita Mexican Community Oral Histories
Mexican Revolution
Mexico -- Description and travel
Mid-Arkansas Valley Development Association, Inc.
- MS 85-2 - Don Pray
Collection: Mid-Arkansas Valley Development Association, Inc.
Miller, Vern
- MS 87-16 - WSU
Erotic Art Society Collection
Millett, Eugene
Mining, strip
- MS 74-15 - Legislative
Papers of Donald Bell, Kansas
Mink, Patsy T.
Minnesota -- Politics and Government
Minority women activists
- MS 2021-05 - Wichita Association of Colored Women and Girls Clubs Collection
Miskimon, T. B.
Missouri -- Jefferson Barracks
- MS 98-17 - Quartermaster's Ledger
Book, March 1844-May 1850
Missouri -- Officials and employees
- MS 75-15 - Congressional
Papers of Missouri Congressman Albert Sidney Johnson
Missouri Territory and State Legal Papers
- MS 87-13 - Early
Missouri Territory and State Personal and Legal Papers
Mitchell, J. R.
Model Houses
- MS 2021-08 - Clark Britton Paper Model House Collection
Models (Persons)
Modern Dance
Mohammed, Faquir
- MS 86-8 - Afghanistan
Students File, Office of the Registrar (1938-1941)
Mohawk Pinto (Airplane)
- MS 95-28 - Arthur
Ransom Aviation Collection
The Moment of Truth
- MS 74-8 - The Moment
of Truth - Published Book Manuscript
Monastic and religious life
Money, United States -- History
- MS 72-3 - Bimetallism
and the National Currency System Pamphlets
Montana -- Politics and Government
Mooney Aviation Company
Moore, Bruce
Morgan, Van Ray
Morgan, Walton
Morris, Harriett
Morris, Walter
Morrisey, Muriel Earhart
- MS 74-12 - Courage
is the Price - Published Book Manuscript
Morrison, Rev. A. A.
Moseley, John C.
Motion picture producers and directors
Motion picture theaters -- Kansas
- MS 96-9 - Ted Sheahon Papers
- MS 2001-06 - M. Meredith "Millie"
Hill Collection of Orpheum Theatre and John Eberson Movie Palaces Material
- MS 2002-01 - International
Alliance of Theatrical Stage Employees, Local 368
Motion pictures
Mound City, Kansas
- MS 81-2 - Kansas Territory -- Letters from Mound City, 1859
Munson, Walt
- MS 94-36 - Walt
Munson Cartoon Collection
Murdock, Marcellus M.
- MS 80-4 - Marcellus
M. Murdock Papers
Murphey, Dwight D.
Music -- Africa
- MS 88-13 - Gordon
Davis Collection of Ethiopian Manuscripts and Coptic Bibles
Music -- Indians, American
Music -- Kansas -- History
Music, 19th-century
- MS 92-2 - Robert
L. Tonsing Collection of 19th Century Music
Music, Department of -- Wichita State University
Myers, Milton H.
My Lai Incident
- MS 74-27 - My
Lai Incident -- March 16, 1968 -- Trial of Captain Ernest Medina
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