Manuscript Subject Index
A | B |
C | D | E
| F | G | H
| I | J | K
| L | M | N
| O | P | Q
| R | S | T
| U | V | W
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Babcock, C. W.
Badger Family
Bailey, Janice Collins
Bakkum, Glenn -- Urban Sociology Papers
- MS 88-27 - Glenn
Bakkum Collection of Urban Sociology Papers
Baldwin, Stanley, Earl
- MS 90-11 - British
Prime Ministers and Statesmen
Bancroft, E. P.
Bandstra, Bert A.
- MS 73-4 - Congressional
Papers of Iowa Congressman Bert A. Bandstra, 1965-1966
Banking and bankers -- Kansas
Barr, James
Barrere, Camille
Bartling, H.
Basset, Gene
- MS 90-22 - Gene
Basset Cartoon Collection
Bassett, Mark
Batchelor, C. D.
- MS 90-16 - C.
D. Batchelor Cartoon Collection
Bates, Frank Andrew
Batten, Mark
Beat poets
Beck, Aaron
- MS 2017-09 - Aaron Beck Collection of Civil War Letters
Beech Aircraft Corporation
Beech, Olive Ann
- MS 97-2 - Walter
H. and Olive Ann Beech Collection
- Special Exhibit
- Walter H. and Olive Ann Beech: Partners in Aviation
Beech, Walter H.
- MS 97-2 - Walter
H. and Olive Ann Beech Collection
- Special Exhibit
- Walter H. and Olive Ann Beech: Partners in Aviation
Belcher, Jonathan
- MS 87-14 - Colonial
New England Personal Legal Papers
Belgium -- Ypres, 3rd battle
- MS 86-9 - First
World War: Tenth Battalion, 42nd (East Lancaster) Division, 126th Manchester
Bell, Annabel Montgomery
- MS 2013-04 - Dr. Perry Marshall Bell and Annabel Montgomery Bell Photograph Collection
Bell, Donald
- MS 74-15 - Legislative Papers
of Donald Bell, Kansas, 1967-1971
Bell, Dr. Perry Marshall
- MS 2013-04 - Dr. Perry Marshall Bell and Annabel Montgomery Bell Photograph Collection
Bellaire (Sedgwick County, Kan.)
Bender, Jack
- MS 98-01 - Jack Bender Cartoon Collection
Benitez, Carolyn Rosales
Bergen, Richard
Berryman, Clifford K.
- MS 88-1 - Clifford
K. Berryman Collection of Political Cartoons
Bible, The
- MS 74-9 - Epistles
of St. Paul (Ethiopic, 18th Century)
- MS 74-10 - Ethiopic
Psalms (19th Century)
- MS 74-11 - Hebrew
Scroll of Esther (Synagogue Copy, 19th Century)
- MS 88-13 - Gordon
Davis Collection of Ethiopian Manuscripts and Coptic Bibles
Bibliophiles, Wichita
Bidwell, Louise
Billings, Dorothy K.
- MS 87-16 - Wichita
State University Erotic Art Society Collection
Bimetallism and national currency system pamphlets
- MS 72-3 - Bimetallism
and the National Currency System Pamphlets
Bird, Richard E.
- MS 87-36 - Richard
E. Bird Collection of Court Documents
Bison, American
Bland, Jacob
Bloomfield, Samuel
Blues Project, Wichita
Boeing Airplane Company
- MS 80-2 - Walter E. Burnham Papers
- MS 94-29 - History of Aviation
Videotape Collection
- MS 99-4 - Boeing-Stearman Corporate
- MS 2017-03 - Sandra Reddish Collection of Women Engineers Oral Histories
- MS 2017-11 - Marvin J. "Jerry" Gordon Papers
Bonaparte family papers
Bonaparte, Joseph
Bonaparte, Napoleon
Book Collecting
Boone, Nathan
Borgstedt, Douglas
- MS 90-23 - Douglas
Borgstedt Cartoon Collection
Bowdion, James
- MS 87-14 - Colonial
New England Personal Legal Papers
Bowen, George S.
- MS 82-7 - Chicago
and Pacific Railroad Collection
Boylston, Zabdiel
- MS 87-14 - Colonial
New England Personal Legal Papers
Bradley, Kenneth
Brandt, E. N.
"Brave Words for a Startling Occasion" -- speech manuscript by
Ralph Ellison
- MS 74-24 - Brave Words for a
Startling Occasion
Breeding, J. Floyd
- MS 75-4 - Congressional
Papers of Kansas Congressman J. Floyd Breeding
Brennan, S. Carnot
British Prime Ministers and Statesmen
- MS 90-11 - British
Prime Ministers and Statesmen
British Seizure of American Ships, Papers Relating to -- 1793-1801
- MS 82-4 - Papers
Relating to British Seizure of American Ships, 1793-1801
Britton, Clark
- MS 2021-08 - Clark Britton Paper Model House Collection
- MS 2021-09 - Clark Britton and Bill Jackson’s Ray DaBoll Collection
- MS 2021-10 - Clark Britton Collection of Buckminster Fuller Material
Brockport, New York -- History
Brooks, Louise
Broom Corn -- Denning, John L.
Brown, John -- Luther Humphrey Lithograph Facsimile Letters
- MS 88-22 - John
Brown -- Luther Humphrey Lithograph Facsimile Letter Collection
Brown, Watson E.
Bruce, Denice
Bryant, Alys McKey
Bryant, John Milton
Buchanan, William P.
Buck, Alfred H.
Buddhism -- Burma
- MS 88-4 - Shan
Prayer Book Manuscript
Buffalo robes
Buford Family
Buildings -- Wichita
Buildings -- Wichita State University
- MS 88-15 - Bob
Gottschalk Collection
- MS 91-10 - Work
Projects Administration Records for University of Wichita Campus Projects
Bull Run, 2nd battle -- 1862
- MS 87-7 - Charles
K. MacNiff Papers
Burbank, John A.
- MS 94-7 - Great
Nemaha Agency Collection, 1866-1873
Burnham, Walter E.
Bus lines
Bus lines -- Kansas
Bus lines -- Wichita
Business enterprises -- Kansas
- MS 94-14 - Leslie Linville Papers
- MS 2001-7 - Early Pizza Hut
Papers of Dan Carney
- MS 2018-01 - Wichita African American Business History Project
Busing for school integration -- Kansas -- Wichita
Byington, E. H.
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