Manuscript Subject Index
A | B | C | D
| E | F | G
| H | I | J
| K | L | M
| N | O | P
| Q | R | S | T
| U | V | W
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Safford, Edward S.
Salmon Brothers
- MS 2002-08 - Salmon Bros. Photograph
Supplies and Galleries Collection
Salome, William
- MS 78-5 - Kansas
Water Resources Board Papers
Sandzén, Birger
Sanitary fairs -- United States
- MS 92-25 - Kantor Collection
on the U.S. Sanitary Commission and Sanitary Fairs
Santos, Bienvenido (Ben)
Sassoon, Siegfried
Sac Indians
- MS 94-7 - Great
Nemaha Agency Collection, 1866-1873
- MS 98-16 - Papers
on Iranian Student Associations in the United States During the 1970s
Scherr, David and Betty
- MS 91-11 - David
and Betty Scherr Collection
Schmid/Schmidt family
Schmitz, John G.
- MS 74-1 - Congressional Papers
of California Congressman John G. Schmitz
School bonds -- Kansas -- Wichita
- MS 2019-02 - Wichita Public Schools 2000 Bond Issue Collection
- MS 2020-01 - Janice Collins Bailey Papers
School integration -- Kansas -- Wichita
Schoolcraft, William C.
Schoolcraft, William C.
Schweiter, Henry, 1844-1295
Schweiter, Leo Henry, 1917-1972
Schweiter family
Scott, Reverend Orange
- MS 90-1 - Reverend
Orange Scott Papers
- MS 91-5 - Scottish
Distillery Papers
Scottish Distillery Papers
- MS 91-5 - Scottish
Distillery Papers
Sculptures and sculptors
Seaboard Aircraft Corporation
- MS 95-28 - Arthur
Ransom Aviation Collection
Sedition -- United States
Sedgwick County (Kan.) -- Government
Sedgwick County (Kan.) -- Surveyors
- MS 96-6 - Sedgwick County Surveyors
Sedgwick County (Kan.) Sheriff's Department
Sekeles, Leopold
Seven Miles of Wire -- and a Swizzle Stick
- MS 74-19 - Seven Miles of Wire
-- And a Swizzle Stick -- Manuscript by John Glenn
Seward, C. A. (Coy Avon)
- MS 2013-02 - The C.A. Seward and Prairie Print Makers Collection
Shadoan, Robert "Red"
Shan prayer book manuscript
- MS 88-4 - Shan
Prayer Book Manuscript
Shah of Iran
- MS 98-16 - Papers
on Iranian Student Associations in the United States During the 1970s
Sheahon, Ted
Sheppard, Helen
- MS 96-10 - Wartime Diary and
Memoirs of Helen Sheppard
Sheridan, Kansas -- History
Sheriff -- Kansas -- Sedgwick County
Sherow, Jim
Ships, Papers Relating to British Seizure of American -- 1793-1801
- MS 82-4 - Papers
Relating to British Seizure of American Ships
Siamese language
Shriver, Garner E.
- MS 77-1 - Congressional
Papers of Kansas Congressman Garner E. Shriver
Skaggs, Jimmy
Skylab Program
- MS 87-8 - Dr. James
E. Tomayko Collection of NASA Documents
- MS 75-7 - George A. Crawford Papers
- MS 73-1 - Eunice McIntosh Merrill
Collection of William Lloyd Garrison Papers
- MS 74-4 - James W. Grimes Papers
- MS 74-6 - Eunice McIntosh Merrill
Collection of William Lloyd Garrison Family Papers
- MS 75-7 - George A. Crawford Papers
- MS 82-2 - Richard Davis Webb Papers
- MS 82-6 - Wendell Phillips Papers
- MS 83-1 - Gerrit Smith Collection
- MS 90-1 - Reverend Orange Scott
- MS 91-9 - Walter Merrill Research
Collection of William Lloyd Garrison Papers
- MS 83-1 - Gerrit Smith Collection
- MS 94-24 - James and H. D. Smith
- MS 94-28 - Park Brothers Papers
- MS 2014-03 - Gerald D. and
Rachel N. Norwood Collection on Slavery, Anti-Slavery and Emancipation
Slavery -- Documents concerning slavery, legal
- MS 87-12 - Collection
of Legal Documents Concerning Slavery
Slavery -- Documents on ante-bellum slavery and the abolitionist movement
- MS 88-19 - Documents
on Ante-Bellum Slavery and the Abolitionist Movement
Slavery -- Garrison, William Lloyd
- MS 73-1 - Eunice
McIntosh Merrill Collection of William Lloyd Garrison Papers
- MS 74-6 - Eunice
McIntosh Merrill Collection of William Lloyd Garrison Family Papers
- MS 91-9 - Walter
Merrill Research Collection of William Lloyd Garrison Papers
Slavery -- Kansas Territory
Slavery -- Missouri territory and state personal and legal papers
- MS 87-13 - Early
Missouri Territory and State Personal and Legal Papers
Smith, Gerrit
Smith, H. D.
Smith, James M.
Smithville, Kansas -- History
Snyder Ice Cream Company
- MS 98-10 - Snyder Ice Cream Company Collection
Social group work
- MS 2021-03 - Gretchen Grow Scrapbook
- MS 2021-05 - Wichita Association of Colored Women and Girls Clubs Collection
Social satire
Sod Houses
- MS 95-20 - Sod House Photograph
Sommes, France
- MS 90-3 - First
World War: Operations and Intelligence -- The British First and Second Armies
Soroptimist club -- Kansas -- Wichita
- MS 96-5 - Archives
of the Soroptimist Club, Wichita
Soule, William S.
- MS 95-11 - A.
A. Hyde Collection of William S. Soule Photographs
South Africa
- MS 90-6 - Charles
DeKetschendorf Papers
- MS 90-14 - Captain
J. E. H. Orr Papers
South Mountain -- Battle of, 1862
- MS 87-7 - Charles
K. MacNiff Papers
Southwest, New -- Description and travel
- MS 95-8 - History
of the Spanish Southwest Collection
Southwest, New -- Discovery and exploration, Spanish
- MS 95-8 - History
of the Spanish Southwest Collection
Southwest, New -- History, Sources
- MS 95-8 - History
of the Spanish Southwest Collection
Southwestern College
Sovereignty -- Native American Tribes -- History
Soviet Union -- Description and travel
Soviet Union -- Revolution, 1917-1921
Spalding, Graydon E.
- MS 88-14 - Graydon
E. Spalding Collection of Works by and About Edgar Allan Poe
Spanish-American War, 1898
Speech disorders
- MS 92-21 - Martin
Franklin Palmer Papers
Spencer, Stanley F.
Spender, Stephen
Sperry, Roger W.
Spong, Lester
St. Charles, Missouri
- MS 87-13 - Early
Missouri Territory and State Personal and Legal Papers
St. Joseph, Missouri
St. Louis, Missouri
- MS 87-13 - Early
Missouri Territory and State Personal and Legal Papers
Stalin, Joseph
Standard Automobile Company -- Wichita
- MS 96-7 - Standard
Automobile Company Collection
Standard Nuclear Unit Power Plant System (SNUPPS) Preliminary Safety Analysis
- MS 75-2 - Standard
Nuclear Unit Power Plant System (SNUPPS) Preliminary Safety Analysis Report
Staples, Clayton Henri
Stearman Aircraft Company
- MS 96-1 - Walter P. Innes,
Jr. Collection
- MS 99-4 - Boeing-Stearman Corporate
Stevenson, Robert
Stimson, Henry L.
Stokely, Rose
- MS 87-19 - Rose
Stokely Collection of German Money of 1915-1930
Stone carving
Streeter, Floyd B.
Strip mining
- MS 74-15 - Legislative
Papers of Donald Bell, Kansas
Stunt flying, United States
Suares, Andre
Sullivan, Richard H.
Sulzer, William
Sunstedt, Hugo
- MS 83-3 - James Grant Gilchrist
Surveyors -- Kansas
- MS 96-6 - Sedgwick County Surveyors
Swallow Airplane Company
Swann, James
- MS 2013-02 - C. A. Seward and Prairie Print Makers Collection
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