Manuscript Subject Index
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Fairmount College (Wichita, Kan.)
Fairmount College (Wichita, Kan.) -- Alumni and alumnae
Fairmount Library Club
- MS 92-5 - Fairmount
Library Club Collection
Fair Play Township -- Marion County, Kansas
- MS 87-32 - Fair
Play Township, Marion County, Kansas Collection
Farm life
Farm life -- Kansas
Farmer's personal diary of, 1876
- MS 87-35 - Farmer's
Personal Diary of 1876
Farming account books, 1890-1940
- MS 74-32 - Raymond
and Zella Jefferies Papers
Farnham, John T.
Fascism -- United States
Federation Aeronautique International, 1907
- MS 89-12 - Federation Aeronautique
International, 1907
Ferman, Harry
Fertilizer industry -- United States -- History
Feutz, E. B. "Fritz"
Fife, W. P.
Fine Arts, College of -- Wichita State University
Fischer, Margarita
Flenner, William Penn
- MS 2017-08 - Civil War Diaries of William Penn Flenner
Flentje, H. Edward
Fletcher, Worth A.
- MS 86-8 - Afghanistan
Students File, Office of the Registrar (1938-1941)
Flight engineering
Flight engineers
Florence, Italy
Florence, Kansas
Folklore, Kansas
- MS 2002-10 - Joan O'Bryant
Kansas Folklore Collection
Folklore, Ozark
- MS 87-27 - The
Talking Turtle and Other Ozark Folk Tales -- Published Book Manuscript by
Vance Randolph
Foltz, Lloyd
Football Team Airplane Crash, Wichita State University
- MS 87-11 - WSU
Football Team Airplane Crash Collection
Ford, Henry A. (Lon) -- Life Sketch
Forsblom, Ed
- MS 99-02 - Parks and Parks Architectural
Forster, Edward Morgan
- MS 86-22 - E.
M. Forster Papers
- MS 88-3 - E. M.
Forster Short Story Manuscript
Fort Leavenworth, Kansas
- MS 87-21 - Semi-Annual
Muster Roll of Co. K, 1st Dragoons, Philip St. George Cooke, Commanding Officer
- MS 88-31 - Isely
Family Papers
Fort Scott, Kansas
- MS 74-14 - Ralph
Richards Papers
- MS 85-1 - American
Studies Department Student Papers
- MS 87-21 - Semi-Annual
Muster Roll of Co. K, 1st Dragoons, Philip St. George Cooke, Commanding Officer
- MS 88-31 - Isely
Family Papers
Fourth National Bank and Trust Company
Fox Indians
- MS 94-7 - Great
Nemaha Agency Collection, 1866-1873
Franklin, Benjamin
- MS 87-14 - Colonial
New England Personal Legal Papers
Fraser, James Earle, 1876-1953
Fraser, Laura Gardin, 1889-1966
Fredonia, Kansas
- MS 87-30 - Fredonia,
Kansas Photograph Collection
Freedman, Gordon L.
Frontier and pioneer life -- United States -- History
- MS 78-3 - Kansas
Land Documents
- MS 88-11 - Nathan
Boone Papers
- MS 91-3 - Ignace
Mead Jones Collection of James R. Mead Papers
- MS 94-4 - Annette
Ross Hume Photograph Collection
- MS 94-28 - Park
Brothers Papers
- MS 94-31 - Mark
Bassett Collection
- MS 2021-02 - Craig Miner Collection
Fugate, James
Fugate, Justus H.
- MS 95-17 - Justus
H. Fugate Collection of Kansas Water Resources Board Papers
Fur trade
- MS 87-13 - Early
Missouri Territory and State Personal and Legal Papers
- MS 89-5 - Buffalo
Robe Collection
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