Manuscript Subject Index
A | B | C | D | E
| F | G | H
| I | J | K
| L | M | N
| O | P | Q
| R | S | T
| U | V | W
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Caesar, Doris
Calcagno, Lawrence
California -- Gold discoveries
California -- Officials and employees
- MS 74-1 - Congressional Papers
of California Congressman John G. Schmitz
- MS 76-2 - Congressional Papers
of California Congressman Charles S. Gubser
Calkins, Bernard E.
- MS 2005-02 - Archives of the
Center for the Calligraphic Arts
Callis, David M.
Camien, Laiten
Camp stoves
Camping trailers
Capps, Charles
Carnahan, Albert Sidney Johnson
- MS 75-15 - Congressional Papers
of Missouri Congressman Albert Sidney Johnson
Carney, Dan
Carpenter, Randolph
- MS 75-6 - Congressional
Papers of Kansas Congressman Randolph Carpenter
Carpenter, William H.
Cartoon collections
- MS 74-13 - Daniel McCormick Papers
- MS 75-10 - Ben F. Hammond Collection
- MS 88-1 - Clifford K. Berryman
Collection of Political Cartoons
- MS 90-15 - Edmund Valtman Cartoon
- MS 90-16 - C. D. Batchelor Cartoon
- MS 90-17 - H. M. Talburt Cartoon
- MS 90-18 - Paul Conrad Cartoon
- MS 90-19 - Hy Rosen Cartoon Collection
- MS 90-20 - Eldon Pletcher Cartoon
- MS 90-21 - Reg Manning Cartoon
- MS 90-22 - Gene Basset Cartoon
- MS 90-23 - Douglas Borgstedt
Cartoon Collection
- MS 90-24 - James Dobbins Cartoon
- MS 94-36 - Walt Munson Cartoon
- MS 98-01 - Jack Bender Cartoon
- MS 98-02 - Ralph D. Yoes Cartoon
- MS 98-03 - Miscellaneous Cartoons
- MS 98-06 - William Gropper Cartoon
Catholic Church
Cattle marketing
- MS 88-6 - Sam and
Millie Marcus Papers
Cattle trade -- United States -- History
Cedar Mountain, Battle of, 1862
- MS 87-7 - Charles
K. MacNiff Papers
Century II (Wichita civic building)
- MS 74-37 - "Century II"
-- Poem by Bruce Cutler
- MS 2002-07 - C. Henry Nathan
- MS 2006-02 - Roy K. Varenhorst
Collection of John M. Hickman and Roy K. Varenhorst Papers
Cessna, Clyde Vernon, 1879-1954
Cessna, Eldon Wane, 1907-1992
Cessna Aeroplane Company
Cessna Aircraft Company
Cessna Exhibition Company
Chamber of Commerce, Wichita
- MS 2002-12 - Archives of
the Wichita Area Chamber of Commerce
Chamberlain, Joseph
- MS 90-11 - British
Prime Ministers and Statesmen
- MS 2021-03 - Gretchen Grow Scrapbook
- MS 2021-05 - Wichita Association of Colored Women and Girls Clubs Collection
Charles I, King of England, 1600-1649
Charm school
Cheat Mountain, Battle of, 1861
Chemical warfare
- MS 90-3 - First
World War: Operations and Intelligence -- The British First and Second Armies
Cheney Reservoir, Kansas
- MS 80-5 - A. E.
Howse Papers
- MS 86-21 - Cheney
Reservoir Photograph Collection
Cherches, Chris
Chicago and Pacific Railroad
- MS 82-7 - Chicago
and Pacific Railroad Collection
Chicago, St. Paul, Nebraska and Kansas Railway Company
- MS 79-2 - Chicago,
St. Paul, Nebraska and Kansas Railway Company Collection
Christian ethics
Christopher, E. B.
Chouteau family
- MS 87-13 - Early
Missouri Territory and State Personal and Legal Papers
Churches -- Wichita
- MS 89-13 - Wichita
Dunker Church Minutes, 1912-1913
Churchill, Winston
Citizenship, United States
City and town life -- Kansas -- History
- MS 71-1 - Federal
Writers' Project Records for Kansas of the Work Projects Administration
- MS 78-2 - Hugo
Wall Papers
- MS 94-17 - Jim
Sherow Collection
City of London Imperial Volunteers
City planning -- Wichita
- MS 95-7 - Wichita
Urban Renewal Collection
Civil rights demonstrations -- Kansas -- Wichita
- MS 2020-04 - Wichita-Sedgwick County Historical Museum Collection of Dockum Drug Store Sit-In Oral Histories
Civil rights movements -- Kansas -- Wichita
- MS 2005-05 - Edwana Denning
- MS 2017-05 - Dr. Judith Johnson Collection of African-American Oral Histories
- MS 2020-04 - Wichita-Sedgwick County Historical Museum Collection of Dockum Drug Store Sit-In Oral Histories
Civil rights workers
- MS 2021-05 - Wichita Association of Colored Women and Girls Clubs Collection
Civil War, U.S. -- Battles -- Antietam, 1862
- MS 87-7 - Charles
K. MacNiff Papers
Civil War, U.S. -- Battles -- Bull Run, 2nd, 1862
- MS 87-7 - Charles
K. MacNiff Papers
Civil War, U.S. -- Battles -- Cedar Mountain, 1862
- MS 87-7 - Charles
K. MacNiff Papers
Civil War, U.S. -- Battles -- Cheat Mountain, 1861
Civil War, U.S. -- Battles -- Gettysburg, 1863
- MS 87-7 - Charles
K. MacNiff Papers
Civil War, U.S. -- Battles -- Perryville, Kentucky, 1862
Civil War, U.S. -- Battles -- South Mountain, 1862
- MS 87-7 - Charles
K. MacNiff Papers
Civil War, U.S. -- Confederate States of America, Army
Civil War, U.S. -- Diaries
Civil War, U.S. -- Documents
- MS 88-20 - Civil
War Political Campaign Flyer: Two Roads of Peace
- MS 91-7 - American
Civil War Documents
Civil War, U.S. -- Kansas Cavalry
Civil War, U.S. -- Letters
Civil War, U.S. -- Naval operations
Civil War, U.S. -- Papers, personal
Civil War, U.S. -- Prisons and prisoners
Civil War, U.S. -- Sanitary Commission
- MS 92-25 - Kantor Collection
on the U.S. Sanitary Commission and Sanitary Fairs
Civil War, U.S. -- Union Army
- MS 74-4 - James W. Grimes Papers
- MS 74-38 - William L. Riley Papers
- MS 83-2 - Joseph Leffard Papers
- MS 87-4 - Milton H. Myers Papers
- MS 87-5 - D. G. Maynard Papers
- MS 87-7 - Charles K. MacNiff Papers
- MS 87-17 - Watson E. Brown Papers
- MS 87-24 - Harry W. Holman Papers
- MS 88-2 - Henry Wendelken Papers
- MS 88-18 - Captain Oliver C.
Garvin Papers
- MS 88-31 - Isely Family Papers
- MS 91-7 - American Civil War Documents
- MS 92-25 - Kantor Collection
of the U.S. Sanitary Commission and Sanitary Fairs
- MS 94-8 - John T. Farnham Collection
- MS 95-12 - William W. McCammon
- MS 2017-07 - Civil War Journal of William B. Tibbits
- MS 2017-08 - Civil War Diaries of William Penn Flenner
- MS 2017-09 - Aaron Beck Collection of Civil War Letters
Clipperton Island
Clousen, Christopher
- MS 82-4 - Papers
Relating to British Seizure of American Ships
Clubs -- Kansas -- Wichita
- MS 2021-05 - Wichita Association of Colored Women and Girls Clubs Collection
Coal gasification
Coffin, Charles G.
Coleman, Sheldon, Jr.
Coleman, Sheldon, Sr.
Coleman, W. C. (William Coffin)
Coleman Company
Colin, Will C.
College admission officers
- MS 2021-01 - Kansas Association of Collegiate Registrars and Admissions Officers Archives
Collins, Edwana Denning
Colonial New England Personal Legal Papers
- MS 87-14 - Colonial
New England Personal Legal Papers
Colorado -- Officials and employees
- MS 73-6 - Congressional
Papers of Colorado Congressman William S. Hill
Communism -- Hungary -- History
Contemporary issues pamphlets
- MS 81-7a - 20th
Century Contemporary Issues Pamphlet Collection
Congregational churches
- MS 74-3 - Edward
Everett Hale Papers
- MS 87-29 - Congregational
and Presbyterian Religious Literature, 1812-1890
- MS 87-38 - Walter
Graves Manuscript of Early Fairmount College
Congregational and Presbyterian religious literature, 1812-1890
- MS 87-29 - Congregational
and Presbyterian Religious Literature, 1812-1890
Congress, United States -- House of Representatives
- MS 73-2 - Congressional
Papers of Kansas Congressman Homer Hoch
- MS 73-3 - Congressional
Papers of Kansas Congressman John M. Houston
- MS 73-5 - Congressional
Papers of Kansas Congressman Myron V. George
- MS 73-6 - Congressional
Papers of Colorado Congressman William S. Hill
- MS 74-1 - Congressional
Papers of California Congressman John G. Schmitz
- MS 74-15 - Legislative
Papers of Donald Bell, Kansas
- MS 75-4 - Congressional
Papers of Kansas Congressman J. Floyd Breeding
- MS 75-6 - Congressional
Papers of Kansas Congressman Randolph Carpenter
- MS 75-12 - Congressional
Papers of Kansas Congressman E. W. Patterson
- MS 75-13 - Congressional
Papers of Arkansas Congressman James W. Trimble
- MS 75-15 - Congressional
Papers of Missouri Congressman Albert Sidney Johnson
- MS 76-2 - Congressional
Papers of California Congressman Charles S. Gubser
- MS 77-1 - Congressional
Papers of Kansas Congressman Garner E. Shriver
- MS 92-12 - Congressional
Papers of Indiana Congressman Andrew Jacobs, Jr.
- MS 95-24 - Patsy
Mink Papers
- MS 97-5 - Congressional
Papers of Dan Glickman
Congress, United States -- Senate
Congress, Members of -- Papers
- MS 75-13 - Congressional Papers
of Arkansas Congressman James W. Trimble
- MS 76-2 - Congressional Papers
of California Congressman Charles S. Gubser
- MS 74-1 - Congressional Papers
of California Congressman John G. Schmitz
- MS 73-6 - Congressional Papers
of Colorado Congressman William S. Hill
- MS 95-24 - Patsy Mink Papers
- MS 73-4 - Congressional Papers
of Iowa Congressman Bert A. Bandstra
- MS 92-12 - Congressional Papers
of Indiana Congressman Andrew Jacobs, Jr.
- MS 74-33 - William A. Ayres Papers
- MS 74-15 - Legislative Papers
of Donald Bell, Kansas
- MS 75-4 - Congressional Papers
of Kansas Congressman J. Floyd Breeding
- MS 75-6 - Congressional Papers
of Kansas Congressman Randolph Carpenter
- MS 73-5 - Congressional Papers
of Kansas Congressman Myron V. George
- MS 73-2 - Congressional Papers
of Kansas Congressman Homer Hoch
- MS 73-3 - Congressional Papers
of Kansas Congressman John M. Houston
- MS 79-1 - Chester I. Long Papers
- MS 75-12 - Congressional Papers
of Kansas Congressman E. W. Patterson
- MS 77-1 - Congressional Papers
of Kansas Congressman Garner E. Shriver
- MS 75-15 - Congressional Papers
of Missouri Congressman Albert Sidney Johnson
- MS 97-5 - Congressional Papers
of Dan Glickman
Conrad, Paul
- MS 90-18 - Paul
Conrad Cartoon Collection
Constitution -- Kansas
- MS 75-7 - George
A. Crawford Papers
Continental drift
Cook, Neil
- MS 87-16 - WSU
Erotic Art Society Collection
Cooke, Captain Philip St. George
- MS 87-21 - Semi-Annual
Muster Roll of Company K, 1st Dragoons, Philip St. George Cooke, Commanding
Cookery -- Kansas
- MS 74-32 - Raymond
and Zella Jefferies Papers
Coolidge, Calvin
- MS 73-7 - Papers
of William Jardine As Secretary of Agriculture, Diplomat, And University of
Wichita President
Cope, Otho Edmund
- MS 87-26 - "The
Pioneers of Yesteryears" -- Manuscript by Otho Edmund Cope
Coppard, Alfred
Coptic Bibles
- MS 88-13 - Gordon
Davis Collection of Ethiopian Manuscripts and Coptic Bibles
Corbin, Byron
- MS 81-2 - Kansas Territory -- Letters from Mound City, 1859
Corbin, Harry Finch
Corbin, Myron
- MS 81-2 - Kansas Territory -- Letters from Mound City, 1859
Corell Publishing Company
- MS 89-20 - Archives of the Corell
Publishing Company
Corrections -- Kansas -- Sedgwick County
Coronado, Francisco Vasquez de
- MS 95-8 - History
of the Spanish Southwest Collection
Courage is the Price
- MS 74-12 - Courage
is the Price - Published Book Manuscript by Muriel Earhart Morrissey
Court claims and the Turtle Mountain Band of Chippewa
- MS 92-19 - Charles
Steve William Merton Hart Papers
Covacevich, Sue Jean
Cowboys -- Oklahoma
- MS 87-33 - W. S. Prettyman Photograph
Cox, Gladys
Crawford, George A.
- MS 75-7 - George
A. Crawford Papers
- MS 85-1 - American
Studies Department Student Papers
- MS 86-17 - Latien
Camien Collection
Crimean War, 1853-1856
- MS 87-22 - William
L. McMillen Papers
- MS 90-10 - Lieutenant
Ernest Perceval Papers
Criminal investigation -- Kansas -- Wichita
Criminal investigation -- Methodology
Crooke, Sir George
- MS 92-10 - Sir
George Crooke's Account of Ship-Money
Crowdy, Dame Rachel
Crum, William
Cunningham, Nora B.
- MS 79-3 - Nora
B. Cunningham Papers
Curtiss-Wright Aircraft
Cutler, Bruce
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