Then and Now:
A Comparison of Land Use

Fourth Grade
Teacher's Guide
Wichita Photo Archives

Student Activity Page | Overview | Demonstration to Students | Step 1-Analyzing | Step 2-Comparing | Step 3-Optional Activity
Scoring Rubric |
Standards and Benchmarks | Time and Materials
| Wichita Photo Archives Lesson Plans

Demonstrating the Wichita Photo Archives Website

Prior to lesson:

• Bookmark these websites in teacher’s computer and all student computers:

Wichita Photo Archives

Student Activity Page (Wichita Photo Archives)

• Print the Student Activity Page and distribute to students.

Best Method:
  Teacher projects website on screen, students watch.

• Locate the Student Activity Page.  It contains step-by-step instructions that you and the students will use to navigate the website.

• Follow the instructions on Student Activity Page, Step 1 (keep printed copy at hand) for browsing the website.

• The demonstration includes:

Browsing techniques:
Enter keywords or select time periods or select subject categories.

Record: Individual entry for each photograph.
Chronological:  The order of the dates, oldest first.
Circa: Used with a date to indicate an approximate time period (usually regarded as between five years before and after the date).
Thumbnail image:  A small image.
Metadata: Describes what, when, who, and how image was made.
Keyword:  One word that represents a search topic.
Decade:  Ten-year time span.
Subject category:  Broad topic that includes similar items.

Acceptable Method:
 Students work at personal computers.  Teacher guides the activity.

• Instruct students to read Step 1 on the Student Activity Page (printed or online).

• Introduce the vocabulary.

• Demonstrate/guide the search and navigation possibilities as follows:

Each time you search, a range of items will appear in chronological order, oldest first.  These items are called records.

a.   Click on a decade.
b.   Notice that each record consists of a thumbnail image and some information known as metadata.
c.   Practice clicking on the thumbnail image to view an enlargement.  Use the “Back” button to return to the metadata.
d.   Locate and click on the “New Search” link to return to the Search page after each search.
e.   Enter the keyword streetcar (or a word of your choice).  Return to Search Page.
f.   Click on the subject category of your choice.

Alternative Method if Internet access in class is not possible:

• Omit this introduction and begin with Lesson Plan Step 1: Analyzing a Photograph.


Go to Lesson Plan Step 1: Analyzing a Photograph.

Student Activity Page | Overview | Demonstration to Students | Step 1-Analyzing | Step 2-Comparing | Step 3-Optional Activity
Scoring Rubric |
Standards and Benchmarks | Time and Materials
| Wichita Photo Archives Lesson Plans