Then and Now:
A Comparison of Land Use

Fourth Grade
Teacher's Guide
Wichita Photo Archives

Student Activity Page | Overview | Demonstration to Students | Step 1-Analyzing | Step 2-Comparing | Step 3-Optional Activity
Scoring Rubric |
Standards and Benchmarks | Time and Materials
| Wichita Photo Archives Lesson Plans

Wichita Public Schools Social Studies Standards: Fourth Grade

Geography: Program Standard III
  All students will use a working knowledge and understanding of the spatial organization of Earth’s surface and relationships among people, places and physical and human environments in order to explain the interactions that occur in our interconnected world.
Benchmark 1
  Maps and Locations: Uses maps, graphic representations, tools and technologies to locate, use and present information about people, places and environments.
Indicator 1-b
  All students will analyze the location of places to suggest why particular locations are used for certain human activities (e.g., residential, commercial, recreational, community services, agricultural, industrial).
Benchmark 5
  Human-Environment Interactions: Understands the effects of interactions between human and physical systems.
Indicator 5-a
  (Power Standard)  All students will identify the positive and negative impacts of past, present and future human activities on the physical environment (e.g., loss of habitat, mining, farming, chemical uses, community development, improved transportation).
History-Kansas: Program Standard IV
  All students will use a working knowledge and understanding of significant individuals, groups, ideas, events, eras and developments in the history of Kansas utilizing essential, analytical and research skills.
Benchmark 3
  Understands the variety of ways land has been used in Kansas over time.
History-United States and World:
Program Standard V
  All students will use a working knowledge and understanding of significant individuals, groups, ideas, events, eras and developments in the history of the United States and the world utilizing essential, analytical and research skills.
Benchmark 4
  Engages in historical thinking skills.
Indicator 4-a
  (Power Standard) All students will identify artifacts and documents as either primary or secondary sources of historical data.
Research: Program Standard VI
  All students will collect, organize and interpret information from appropriate sources and communicate their findings.
Indicator 1-a
  (Power Standard) All students will locate and use appropriate information sources, identified as primary or secondary, to communicate their findings on a selected question.
Indicator 1-b
  (Power Standard) All students will write a conclusion that compares and summarizes all relevant information found in supporting resources.


Student Activity Page | Overview | Demonstration to Students | Step 1-Analyzing | Step 2-Comparing | Step 3-Optional Activity
Scoring Rubric |
Standards and Benchmarks | Time and Materials
| Wichita Photo Archives Lesson Plans